Intro to R

This week was our introduction to R lecture. This lecture was a brief overview of what R is and how to use it, with the goal of making the newer R users in our community literate in R syntax. For this session users needed to have downloaded both R and R Studio. First we discussed […]

Categories: R Working Group

Package Intro: Multivariate Time Series – MAR models

This week Dr. Steve Katz will discuss multivariate time series analysis using the MARSS package. There is some supplementary material for this talk: packages needed: MAR1 and MARSS An example of using MAR1 and MARSS on ecological data: R demo supplement 20130305 The package user guide to help orient you with the MARSS package https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/MARSS/vignettes/UserGuide.pdf

Categories: R Working Group

Research Profile: GLMM and Predictions

Tomorrow PhD Candidate Zoe Hanley will discuss generalized linear models  in R and making prediction maps for wolf distribution. Necessary packages are: library(glmmADMB) #Generalized Linear Mixed Modeling (GLMMs). Includes zero-inflated distributions. #Use download instructions from:http://glmmadmb.r-forge.r-project.org/ library(graphics) #temporal autocorrelation graphs library(lattice) #PACK vs. YEAR graphs library(bbmle) #AIC table library(plyr) #create cross-validation progress bar The data and […]

Categories: R Working Group

Packrat Package – managing package versions

This week CEREO’s Stephanie Labou introduced us to the packrat package. Packrat is a relatively new package that assists collaboration and functionality of code by maintain and standardizing package versions used in a project. Depending on the level of experience, R users may not have ran into this issue before but it is a persistent problem […]

Categories: R Working Group

PCA and Atmospheric Research

Today Tsengel Nergui showed us how she used Principal Component Analysis in her atmospheric research. The script and data provided shows an excellent example of PCA application. Tsengel discusses not only int interpretation of the results, but also some of the standardization that one can do prior to PCA. In the discussion portion of the session […]

Categories: R Working Group

High Resolution Graphics, Memory Issues, and WSU security

Today in our troubleshooting session we addressed exporting high resolution figures using R studio. Because R studio does not allow for a resolution increase we use coding that relies on some embedded R functionality, and works great for those that just us native R rather than R Studio. The script does not require any packages […]

Categories: R Working Group

Spatial Stats with spatstat

Today Michael showed us some quick and simple ways to look at and measure spatial data using the spat-stat packaged. Included in the discussion was information on various statistics one can use to measure aspects such as nearest neighbor or clustering. spatialstats

Categories: R Working Group