New Graduate Environmental Science Course (ENVR_SCI 592): Advanced Environmental Hydrology

Course: Environ Sci 592 Instructor: Moffett (Vancouver) Title: Advanced Environmental Hydrology Description: Graduate level survey of concepts and quantitative analysis of: surface water and boundary layer flows, mixing, and stratification; groundwater flows and groundwater-surface water interaction, including submarine groundwater discharge; soil moisture, unsaturated flows, ecological and landscape water use, water resources. Prerequisites: college-level physics, multivariable […]

Categories: Class, News and Events

Collective for Social and Environmental Justice (CSEJ) Symposium on “Environmental and Climate Justice Practices.”

Date: April 8th (Friday); Venue: WSU Vancouver campus, VDEN 110 (auditorium); Time: 10:20 AM-4:15 PM. The event is free and open to the public. Speakers & Topics: Gail Small, Member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, Professor of Native American Studies, Montana State University. (JD Degree and a Certificate of Completion in Environmental & Natural Resource […]

Call for Abstracts

Submit Abstracts “Progress in quantifying impacts of land use and land cover change in a changing climate using an Earth system modeling approach” The abstract due date is March 30th China National Convention Center, Beijing, 24-27th October 2016 ( A list of keynote speakers of the meeting can be found at