Course: Environ Sci 592 Instructor: Moffett (Vancouver) Title: Advanced Environmental Hydrology Description: Graduate level survey of concepts and quantitative analysis of: surface water and boundary layer flows, mixing, and stratification; groundwater flows and groundwater-surface water interaction, including submarine groundwater discharge; soil moisture, unsaturated flows, ecological and landscape water use, water resources. Prerequisites: college-level physics, multivariable […]
Date: April 8th (Friday); Venue: WSU Vancouver campus, VDEN 110 (auditorium); Time: 10:20 AM-4:15 PM. The event is free and open to the public. Speakers & Topics: Gail Small, Member of the Northern Cheyenne Tribe, Professor of Native American Studies, Montana State University. (JD Degree and a Certificate of Completion in Environmental & Natural Resource […]
Registration Deadline: April 5 Seattle Marriott Waterfront, 2100 Alaskan Way 4:00 pm lecture Hosted reception from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm This year, we are highlighting the research of Dr. Jen McIntyre of WSU Puyallup and the Washington Stormwater Center. For more information:
Submit Abstracts “Progress in quantifying impacts of land use and land cover change in a changing climate using an Earth system modeling approach” The abstract due date is March 30th China National Convention Center, Beijing, 24-27th October 2016 ( A list of keynote speakers of the meeting can be found at
M,W 12:10 – 1 PM and TU,TH 9:10 – 10:25 AM – 3 credits – no prereqs The environmental, ecological, and human health impacts of increasing urbanization, globalization, and climate change are growing. Impacts include increases in the rate of introduction of invasive plants and pests, the rising urban heat-island effect, the need for local […]