PUBLIC NOTICE, UPCOMING JOB ANNOUNCEMENT Pathways Recent Graduate: GS-11/12 Geographer/Physical Scientist (Climate Impacts)

Climate Adaptation Science Centers Duty Station: Raleigh, NC or Minneapolis, MN Vacancy announcement ( opening November 16, 2020 with negotiable start date. Do you know how to analyze and interpret climate model output? Do you like working and learning with experts from other disciplines? Do you want to help other disciplines better understand and use […]

18th Annual People, Prosperity and the Planet (P3) National Student Design Competition Focusing on the P3 Phase I Request for Applications (RFA) and Informational Webinar

URL: Open/Close Dates: November 13, 2020 – February 9, 2021 Informational Webinar: Background: EPA announces the release of the 18th Annual P3 Awards: A National Student Design Competition Focusing on P3 – Phase I Request for Applications (RFA). This collegiate design competition promotes the use of scientific and engineering principles to create innovative projects to […]

AGEN/BSEN 892: Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) from a One Health Perspective

Spring 2021 Tuesdays 1:00-1:50pm Engage with invited experts and students nationwide to learn about our shared responsibility to understand and address AMR for the health of humans, animals and the environment. The course is listed as: ANIM_SCI 504 Special Topics WEB ARR         Jan 19–Apr 30 Special Topic Title: Special Topics Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR). Online delivery […]

Lower Columbia River, Estuary: “One River, Ethics Matter” 7th Annual Conference

December 9-10, 2020 7th annual conference on ethics and the past and future of the Columbia River River of Time:  From Canoes to Freighters to 2160 and the 7th Generation Tribal host:  Cowlitz Indian Tribe Academic host:  Washington State University – Collective for Social and Environmental Justice, Native American Affairs Sign up for free here: […]

Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC)

The Northwest Climate Adaptation Science Center (NW CASC) is excited to welcome our 2020-2021 Research Fellows at Washington State University as they kick off their Fellowship activities this fall: Michelle Audie Michelle Audie‘s NW CASC research will focus on Decline of the Western Red Cedar: Using Tree Rings to Understand Mortality Patterns and Identify Drought-Resilient Populations Under Climate Change. Michelle’s project investigates […]

Call for Abstracts: 11th Northwest Climate Conference

Abstracts are due Friday, November 27 The 11th Northwest Climate Conference will take place online on April 6-8, 2021. Special Sessions Abstract Submission Oral Presentation Abstract Submission Poster Abstract Submission The Program Committee welcomes submissions on a range of themes and topics related to climate science, impacts, adaptation and management decisions. We welcome presentations on […]