CE 543(1) Special Topic Title: Model calibration inverse problems Instructor T Ginn, Tu, Th 2:50 -4:05 FNO 5062 CE 543 (2) Special Topic Title: Indoor Air Quality Instructor: Brian Lamb, 2 credits
2 credits, Tuesdays 4:15-5:45pm at Cue 407 Covering interesting sustainability issues and getting hands on experience. Three complex interdependent systems (environmental, social and economic), working together across the generations, can achieve sustainability. Questions? Contact: Dwight Hagihara- hagihara@wsu.edu
Geology 598: May be repeated for credit; cumulative maximum 3 hours. Research papers presented by students, faculty, and visiting scientists on geological research. Credit not granted for both GEOLOGY 498 and GEOLOGY 598. S, F grading. Geology 498: Th4:10-5:00pm, WEBA 11
Spring 2017 T/Th 10:35-11:50 Conservation Ecology provides an in-depth exposure to topics in conservation biology, especially as they relate to the application of scientific concepts to understanding causes and to building solutions to problems that threaten species and ecosystems. The course includes an introduction to quantitative tools in conservation biology such as population viability analysis, […]
Instructor: John Petrie (j.petrie@wsu.edu) Lecture time: 10:10 – 11:00 am M, W, F Room: 324 Bryan Hall Course Overview: This course introduces flow in alluvial streams and analytical tools for predicting the results of flow-sediment interactions. This material provides the base knowledge for solving complex river engineering problems to support stream restoration, protection of infrastructure, […]
Closing Feb 10, 2017 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is seeking applications proposing research that will contribute to an improved ability to understand and anticipate the public health and environmental impacts and behavioral drivers of significant changes in energy production and consumption in the United States, particularly those changes associated with advancing toward the […]
To be held at Skamania Lodge in Stevenson WA on January 25-26, 2017 Last Call- Submit an abstract by December 1 (extended). Abstracts can be submitted online: http://www.cm.wsu.edu/ehome/climateimpactstowaterconference/438243/Flyer Registration
The Department of Geography (http://geography.dartmouth.edu/) at Dartmouth College seeks a tenure-track assistant professor with a specialty in climate science, biogeochemical cycling, and/or earth systems modeling. Application review will begin November 15 and will continue until the position is filled. Please submit a letter of application including research and teaching statements, C.V., writing samples, and contact information […]
January 31 – February 2, 2017, Boise State University Abstract Due December 9, 2016. This workshop serves as a forum for the dissemination and discussion of water quality monitoring results and techniques. Attendance at the workshop, including the keynote luncheon, is free. Submit abstracts and register