
Spatial Stats with spatstat

Today Michael showed us some quick and simple ways to look at and measure spatial data using the spat-stat packaged. Included in the discussion was information on various statistics one can use to measure aspects such as nearest neighbor or clustering. spatialstats

Categories: R Working Group

Mapping with Shapefiles and Thiessen polygon generation

Today Tung Nguyen presented some advanced mapping techniques. Today’s presentation used the following packages and a function from Stackoverflow ( He also used the attached shapefiles: r_base_shapefile Packages: “deldir”, “rgdal”, “sp”, “rgeos”, “maptools”, “gstat”, “mapview”, “ggplot2”, “ggmap”, “viridis”, “dplyr” Tung showed us how he created polygons for individual catchments basins and then apply those polygons to a google maps […]

Categories: R Working Group

Simple Mapping in R

Today we discussed using the “maps” package and the “ggplot2” package to make simple maps in R. Our test dataset is from the “rgbif” data package which makes use of publicly available data (see the “getting data” Topic). To deal with some of the georeferenced data we made use of the “dismo” package . We […]

Categories: R Working Group