
Bee the Change Challenge

Join the weekly challenge to count down to Earth Day! Starts February 10th 2020   |   Find us online  @BEESANDTREESPROJECT

Categories: Uncategorized

Water Resources Research National Competitive Grants Program: Announcement under Section 104(g)

Deadline: Feb 15, 2019.  Email preproposals to the State of Washington Water Resources Center (watercenter@wsu.edu) Proposals are sought on the topic of improving and enhancing the nation’s water supply, including evaluation of innovative approaches to water treatment, infrastructure design, retrofitting, maintenance, management, and replacement; exploration and advancement of our understanding of changes in the quantity […]

Safeguarding Idaho’s Economy in a Changing Climate

November 16 & 17, 2017 Join in on a two-day conversation about Idaho’s changing climate designed to explore market-based solutions for safeguarding Idaho’s economy, health, landscape and lifestyle. The statewide summit will be held at Boise State University, Idaho State University (ISU), and the University of Idaho (UI), November 16 (8:30 AM to 5:00 PM) […]

Categories: Uncategorized

COUGS In Space Day with SpaceX and Blue Origin

Oct 25-27th, location to be announced Space — the Final Frontier! Join alumni and other company representatives from BLUE ORIGIN and SPACEX to learn what it’s like to work in the space industry. About the companies: SpaceX designs, manufactures and launches advanced rockets and spacecraft. The company was founded in 2002 to revolutionize space technology, […]

Undergraduates of all majors

are invited to attend an information session on Undergraduate Research. The information presented will give students tools to get started and locate a faculty mentor. There will be two free sessions in room 114 of the Smith Center for Undergraduate Education. Wednesday, September 6, 2017 from 5:10-6:00 pm in CUE 114

Categories: Uncategorized

NW Climate Science Center- Immediate Fellowship Opportunity

The NW Climate Science Center invites proposals from faculty at UW, BSU, UM, WSU and WWU for funding to support research by graduate students and post-docs in fields relating to understanding and addressing climate impacts on NW natural and cultural resources, and training of these NW CSC Fellows in the principles and practices of co-producing […]

Software Carpentry Workshop

Software Carpentry is a hands-on workshop being hosted by the Center for Environmental Research, Education and Outreach (CEREO), Center for Institutional Research Computing (CIRC), and Laboratory for Atmospheric Research (LAR). The two-day workshop will be held from August 16-17 and focuses on skills for computationally-intensive research.  Live exercises and tutorials will introduce a variety of […]

Featured piece by Professor Emily Huddart Kennedy in “2016’s Most Sinful Cities in America”

Emily Huddart Kennedy To what extent is sinful behavior innate versus influenced by your surroundings? My research has shown that environmental impact (e.g., carbon footprint, engagement in household “green” practices like recycling and buying organic products) is shaped more by context than it is by anything innate. For example, a study I conducted compared “green […]

Nov 18: Urban Food-Energy-Water Summit

Woodinville, Wash. – An interactive summit focusing on the future of the food system in the greater Seattle metropolitan area will be held on Friday, November 18, at the Brightwater Convention Center. Hosted by Washington State University (WSU) Metro Food Energy Water Seed Grant Research Team, the Urban Food-Energy-Water Summit provides an opportunity for the […]

Human activities harm water quality, raise treatment costs

By Eric Sorensen, WSU science writer PULLMAN, Wash. – Julie Padowski, clinical assistant professor at Washington State University, has found that the loss of land cover around cities has increased pollution and raised the cost of water treatment. Writing in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, she and coauthors say 90 percent of […]