Research Opportunities in Space and Earth Sciences (ROSES) – New Frontiers Data Analysis Program

Closing Deadline: 23 Aug 2018 The objective of the New Frontiers Data Analysis Program (NFDAP) is to enhance the scientific return from New Frontiers missions by broadening scientific participation in the analysis and interpretation of data returned by these missions. Other mission and non-mission data sets may be used to supplement these data in a […]

ROSES 2018: Earth Science Applications: Water Resources

Closing Deadline: 17 Aug 2018 Within the NASA Earth Science Division, the Applied Sciences Program solicits proposals that develop and demonstrate the integration of NASA Earth science data and models into water resource management applications and decision support tools that can be sustained by operational partners or stakeholders. Remote sensing data, in combination with hydrologic […]

ROSES 2018: Atmospheric Composition: Modeling and Analysis

Closing Deadline: 24 Aug 2018 coupled effects of changes in ozone depleting substance emissions and climate variations on ozone recovery and future atmospheric composition; enabling more accurate climate forecasts based on improved understanding of the forcings of global environmental change; and developing and refining better air quality forecasts that take into account the feedbacks between […]

ROSES 2018: Physical Oceanography

Closing Deadline: 29 Jun 2018 The primary scientific thrust for physical oceanography at NASA is toward understanding the ocean’s role in climate variability and its prediction. Since the general ocean circulation plays a critical role in the global heat balance and materially changes atmospheric properties through air-sea exchange, understanding and modeling the state of the […]