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Events for October 2020

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Calendar of Events
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

“From the field to the lab and back: translational strategies to improve disease control in vegetable crops”

“The Weevil Empire: Do insect herbivores rule primary succession at Mount St. Helens?”

“Managing Carbon, Growing Economies”

“Exploring the relationships between the human milk microbiome, maternal dietary intake, and milk fatty acids”

R Working Group

“Purinergic signaling in plants: Much more important than generally realized”

“Avista’s Wildfire Resilience Plan”

 “Urban agriculture: transitioning from academia to industry”


“A tale of two megafires: building towards generalizable traits of fire fungi.”

”Biology and management of plant-parasistic nematodes in Washington wine grape vineyards”

“Assessing nitrogen critical loads at North Cascades National Park Service Complex (NOCA)”.

R Working Group

“Purinergic signaling in plants: Much more important than generally realized”

“Wildfire Disturbances to Source Water Quality and Drinking Water Treatment.”

“Evaluating the characteristics of compost teas to improve the sustainability of crop production”

“Google Earth Engine Workshop”


“Fusarium Wilt of Spinach: A Case Study in Managing Persistent Soilborne Plant Pathogens”

“From Tiny Genes to Big Ecosystems: How Microbes Respond to Climate Change”

“Smart Meter Data Mining for Peak Load Analysis and Outage Detection in Distribution Systems”.

TEDxWSU Countdown Event

R Working Group

 “Dynamic Lateral Cytochrome b6f complex Distribution in Plant Thylakoid Membranes”

“The importance of fire refugia in the northwestern US”

“Staple Isotope Applications in Plant Science Research.”


“Managing Agroecological Data: Challenges and Solutions from a Member of the Long-Term Agroecological Research Network”

“Redesigning plant metabolism with synthetic biology.”

“Shared characteristics and case studies of cross-kingdom fungal pathogens of plants and humans”


 R Working Group

“Predicting stream water temperature in support of water management decisions”

“ Advanced Power Electronics and Electric Machines – Thermal, Electro-Thermal and Reliability Research.”


“Vespa Mandarinia – The Exotic Hornet That Murdered Our 2020 Field Season”

“Suicide Prevention Training in Agriculture” 

“Effects of environmental variation on life history: from lab to field studies.”

“Both within- and trans-generational plasticity can shape the response to different environments”.

“Participatory monitoring of hydrological processes and related ecosystem services in the tropical Andes.”

R Working Group

 “Influence of large-scale meteorological conditions on wildfire-related air quality impacts”

“Machine harvesting comparison and optimization of machine harvest intervals in fresh market blueberry.”

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