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Events for October 2021

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“Studying unculturable plant pathogens-Challenges and novel approaches”


R Working Group

Research Conversation: Johnny Lupinacci

“Recent trends in fresh produce sector”

Python Working Group


“Playing the Long game with nematode management in wine grapes”

“A solution to Global Food Security: Enhancement of Rice yield via genetic modification”

R Working Group

“Fusarium head blight of wheat: resistance and susceptibility”

“Mechanics of the elephant trunk and skin”

“Using proximal sensor technology for variable rate vineyard management”

Python Working Group

“Global Health Research at WSU: Inclusive from Childhood Nutrition to Pandemic Virus Hunting”


“An Investigation of Chemical Control Techniques for Polistes Paper Wasps”

“Quantifying pesticide impacts on populations: Two decades of technological change in crop protection and what it means for butterfly research”

“Potato immunostimulants alleviate powdery scab disease”


R Working Group

“Apple rootstocks affect scion vigor through their effect on scion water relations”

Python Working Group


“Pathogens, Parasites, and Predators: A Holistic Approach to Understanding Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee Health Through X-Diagnostics, DNA Multiplex, and Historical Data Analysis & Are Low-Rate Insecticide Applications Driving Insecticide Resistance in Onion Thrips?”

“Post-fire microbial community structure across different forest stand types and soil moisture levels in Interior Alaska”

“Cat herding: perspectives from extension, research, and administration.”

“Why Environmental History Matters: A Case Study in Washington State’s Indigenous Laws”

R Working Group

“Soil-Plant-Microbe Interactions and Soil Health”

“Modern Native America and Environmental Justice: Changing the Narrative of Our American Moment”

Date & Time: 6:00-8:00pm, Oct 21 Seminar Title: Water Summit Speaker: Amy Vickers, Korey Woodley, Dr. Robin Nimmer Location: To register: https://uidaho.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rcGwXRCdS-C4xNXkvt2NwA

Python Working Group


“Niche Opportunity and Community Assembly in Ecological and Evolutionary Settings”

“Cross-kingdom viral pathogens of plants”


R Working Group

“Effect of compost, humic and acetic acids on biodegradable plastic mulch deterioration and in-soil degradation”

Python Working Group


“The mutualism-parasitism continuum: Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and their interactions with plants”


R Working Group

“Making sense of the physical world with high-resolution tactile sensing”

Python Working Group

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